Planning for a Mass of Christian Burial
In the face of death, the Church confidently proclaims that God has created each person for eternal life, and that Jesus, the Son of God, by his death and resurrection, has achieved his task of redeeming humanity and giving perfect glory to God.
Christians celebrate funeral rites to offer worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God for the gift of life, which has now been returned to God, the author of life, and the hope of the just. The Mass, the memorial of Christ’s death and resurrection, is the principal celebration of the Christian funeral.
The Church through its funeral rites commends the dead to God’s merciful love and pleads for the forgiveness of their sins. At the funeral rites, especially at the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the Christian community affirms and expresses the union of the Church on earth with the Church in heaven in the one great communion of saints. Though separated from the living, the dead are still at one with the community of believers on earth and benefit from their prayers and intercession.
At the Rite of Final Commendation and Farewell, the community acknowledges the reality of separation and commends the deceased to God. In this way it recognizes the spiritual bond that still exists between the living and the dead and proclaims its belief that all the faithful will be raised up and reunited in the new heaven and a new earth, where death will be no more.
The church provides an organist, and a song leader. Any additional voices, or instruments, are the responsiblity of the family.
Family, please click here to fill out forms
Music Selections (click to hear)
Gathering Song Suggestions
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus Here I Am, Lord
Amazing Grace I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Be Not Afraid Lift High the Cross
For All the Saints Sing with All the Saints in Glory
Eternal Father Strong to Save Other: Discuss with Father
Preparation of the Gifts Song Suggestions
In Every Age Age to Age
Dwelling Place Beyond the Moon and Stars
Open My Eyes One Love Released
Eye Has Not Seen Prayer of St Francis
How Great Thou Art We Remember
On Eagle's Wings Other: Discuss with Father
Preparation of the Gifts Song Suggestions
As Grains of Wheat I Am the Bread of Life
Taste of See The Supper of the Lord
Behold the Lamb One Bread, One Body
Bread for the World Spirit and Grace
In the Breaking of the Bread Other: Discuss with Father
Post Communion Meditation (optional)
Ave Maria Serdeczna Matko
Saints of God (Standard)
Procession to Place of Committal
May the Choirs of Angels (Standard)
Reading Suggestions
Old Testament Reading Selections (click to read)
Reading 1 (2 Maccabees 12:43-46)
Reading 2 (Job 19:1, 23-27a)
Reading 3 (Wisdom 3:1-6)
Wisdom 3:1-6, 9
Reading 4 (Wisdom 4:7-15)
Reading 5 (Isaiah 25:6a;7-9)
Reading 6 (Lamentations 3:17-26)
Reading 7 (Daniel 12:1-3)
New Testament Reading Selections (click to read)
Reading 1 (Romans 5:5-11)
Reading 2 (Romans 5:17-21)
Reading 3 (Romans 6:3-4, 8-9)
Reading 3A (Romans 6:3-9)
Reading 4 (Romans 8:14-23)
Reading 5 (Romans 8:31b-35, 37-39)
Reading 6 (Romans 14:7-9, 10c-12)
Reading 7 (1 Corinthians 15:20-28)
Reading 7A (1 Corinthians 15:20-23)
Reading 8 (1 Corinthians 15:51-57)
Reading 9 (2 Corinthians 4:14-5:1)
Reading 10 (2 Corinthians 5:1, 6-10)
Reading 11 (Philippians 3:20-21)
Reading 12 (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
Reading 13 (2 Timothy 2:8-13)
Reading 14 (1 John 3:1-2)
Reading 15 (1 John 3:14-16)
Gospel Reading Selections (click to read)
Reading 1 (Matthew 5:1-12a)
Reading 2 (Matthew 11:25-30)
Reading 3 (Matthew 25: 1-13)
Reading 4 (Matthew 25: 31-46)
Reading 5 (Mark 15:33-39; 16:1-6)
Reading 5A (Mark 15:33-39)
Reading 6 (Luke 7:11-17)
Reading 7 (Luke 12:35-40)
Reading 8 (Luke 23:33, 39-43)
Reading 9 (Luke 23:44-46, 50, 52-53; 24:1-6a)
Reading 9A (Luke 23:44-46, 50, 52-53)
Reading 10 (Luke 24:13-35)
Reading 10A (Luke 24:13-16, 28-35)
Reading 11 (John 5:24-29)
Reading 12 (John 6:37-40)
Reading 13 (John 6:51-59)
Reading 14 (John 11:17-27)
Reading 14A (John 11: 21-27)
Reading 15 (John 11: 32-45)
Reading 16 (John 12: 23-28)
Reading 16A (John 12: 23-26)
Reading 17 (John 14: 1-6)
Reading 18 (John 17: 24-26)
Reading 19 (John 19: 17-18, 25-39)